![]() |
产地 | 上海 |
保存条件 | 密封于-20oC阴凉干燥环境。 |
品牌 | DUMABIO |
货号 | 电询 |
用途 | 科研与实验 |
检测方法 | 电询 |
保质期 | 2年 |
适应物种 | 电询 |
检测限 | 电询 |
数量 | 1000 |
包装规格 | 1mg |
标记物 | 无 |
样本 | 电询 |
应用 | 科研试剂 |
是否进口 | 否 |
for use with MCOLORTEST®
detection method
Chloride is found in the earth′s crust and can therefore also be found in all natural waters at some concentration. This MQuant® Chloride test (formally MColortest®) is suitable for the titrimetric determination using a convenient dropping bottle.
In nitric solution chloride ions are titrated with mercury(II) nitrate solution against 1,5-diphenylcarbazone as the indicator, forming slightly dissociated mercury(II) chloride in the process. At the titration end-point, excess mercury(II) ions react with the indicator to form a blue-violet complex. The chloride concentration is determined from the consumption of titration solution (mercurimetric determination).
The test can be used in
Groundwater, surface water, and seawater (after dilution)
Waters from aquaculture
Drinking water and mineral water
Water for concrete in the construction industry
Industrial water and wastewater
Boiler and boiler feed water, cooling water
Swimming-pool water
Food after appropriate sample pretreatment
Soils and fertilizers after appropriate sample pretreatment
This test is suitable to detect chloride interferences which are a mayjor reason for wron COD readings. Therefore it can serve as pretest for COD measurements with e.g. our Spectroquant® COD cell tests for seawater/samples with high chloride content 1.17058 and 1.17059.
Method: titrimetric with dropping bottle MQuant®
MCOLORTEST is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
MQUANT is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
SPECTROQUANT is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany